Poker Checkerboard Solitaire Rules
Make poker hands on a 5 x 5 checkerboard. Deal 13 cards to every other space on the board, then rearrange the cards to make the best possible scores in the seven interrelated hands. Deal four boards worth of hands, and see if you can make the high score!
This game was invented by Randy Rasa, and was intended to be part of the Poker Solitaire Pack collection, though it was never published.
Getting Started
The game is begun by dealing 13 cards to every other position of a 5x5 grid, resulting in a pattern that looks very much like a game board for checkers or chess. The first row contains three cards, the second two, the third 3, the fourth 2, and the fifth 3.
The object is to make the best poker hands you can in the seven five-card hands within the grid, as illustrated below. Simply grab hold of a card (by clicking the left mouse button on it) and dragging it to a new position and releasing it. The card at the new position will be swapped with the card you're dragging.

Dealing A New Board
When you're satisfied that you've arranged the card in the optimum way, click the deck to cash in the hands on the grid and deal another 13 cards. Repeat the process four times to arrive at your final score.
You earn points for each type of poker hand you can create. The number of points awarded per hand is based on the hand you create, and the cards in the hand. Refer to the scoring section for details. The score for each board is simply the sum of the scores for all seven hands. The total score is the sum of four boards.
Refer to Poker Solitaire Pack Scoring for details on the scoring systems used for this game.
Try to place the highest-value card where they'll do you the most good. For example, the center card is used in all seven hands. If you have an ace or king, the center is a good place to put it. Put lower-value cards toward the edge of the grid. Each of the edge cards is used in only two hands.
The rules to this game are copyright Randy Rasa, and neither the rules nor the game they describe may be reproduced without written permission.