BVS Solitaire Collection

A collection of 445 multi-featured, very different solitaire card games to play. You will be able to learn solitaires not found elsewhere. BVS Solitaire Collection includes over 90 original solitaire variations found nowhere else, as well as all the most popular solitaire card games such as Spider Solitaire, Klondike, Freecell, Carpet, Forty Thieves, Monte Carlo, Russian Solitaire, Flower Garden, Golf, Cruel, Accordion, Pyramid, etc. And you can modify rules of almost any of the included games, thus creating your own solitaire variation.
BVS Solitaire Collection gives you a plethora of statistical and scoring screens. Track your performance and progress in playing solitaire, and even publish your personal statistics on the BVS Solitaire Collection web site to appear in the top scores list.
The interface is completely customizable. You can choose from lots of backgrounds and card backs, or you can
use any .bmp or .jpg image files to create your own backgrounds and card backs.
- More than 4 billion possible starting positions for each game
- "You Are Stuck" feature lets you know if there are no more legal moves to be made
- "Show Next Move" command allows to check available moves to make
- Support for both Drag-and-Drop and Point-and-Click methods to move cards
- Empty foundation pile indicator
- Convenient user-customizable toolbar
- Multi-level undo/redo
- Save game position along with undo/redo history
- Automatic game saving on exit
- Statistics for multiple players, with a score history graph that shows your performance and progress
By BVS Development Corporation
Operating System: Windows
BVS Solitaire Collection Screenshots
Additional Information
BVS Solitaire Collection includes the following solitaire card games: Accordion, Aces Up, Adela, Agnes, Algerian, Alhambra, Ali Baba, Alternations, Alternative, Amazons, American Toad, Ants, Arizona, Avenue, Backbone, Baker's Dozen, Baker's Game, Banner, Barricade, Barrier, Batsford, Beautiful Lutecia, Beleaguered Castle, Big Forty, Big FreeCell, Binding, Bisley, Black Hole, Black Widow, Blind Alleys, Blind Patience, Block Ten, Blockade, Blondes and Brunettes, Bob's Scorpion, Boomerang, Boulevard, Bouquet, Box Kite, Braid, Brigade, Bristol, British Square, Buffalo Bill, Bureau, Busy Aces, Calculation, Canfield, Canister, Caprice, Captive Queens, Carlton, Carpet, Casket, Castle, Castles in Spain, Chameleon, Chequers, Chessboard, Cicely, Citadel, Club, Colonel, Colorado, Colours, Complicated, Concentration, Cone, Confusion, Congress, Constitution, Cornfield, Corona, Cotillion, Courtyard, Crescent, Criss-Cross, Cruel, Curds and Whey, Czarina, Dealer's Dozen, Deck, Demon Fan, Depot, Desire, Deuces, Devil's Bridge, Dieppe, Difficult Sequence, Diplomat, Display, Divorce, Double Canfield, Double Fourteens, Double Klondike, Double Rail, Double Toad, Doublets, Doubt, Downhill, Dress Parade, Dutch Windmill, Dutchess, EastHaven, Egyptian Pyramid, Eight Off, Eight Sages, Eight Sphinxes, Elma, Emperor, Empire, Even and Odd, Exit, Faerie Queen, Falling Star, Famous Fifty, Fan, Favorite, Fifteen in a Row, Five Piles, Floradora, Florentine, Flower Garden, Fly, Forest Glade, Fort, Fortress, Fortune's Favor, Forty Thieves, Forty and Eight, Four Kings, Four Leaf Clovers, Four Packs, Four Seasons, Four Ways, Fourteens, FreeCell, Friday the Thirteenth, Gallery, Gaps, German Patience, Giant, Giza, Glencoe, Golf, Good Measure, Grandfather, Grandmather, Granny's Patience, Guard of Honour, Guards Collar, Harp, Hayfield, Heap, Herring-Bone, Horizon, House in the Wood, House on the Hill, Impatience, In a Frame, Indian, Ingenuous, Inside Out, Intelligence, Intrigue, Jamestown, Josephine, Journey, Jubilee, Kaiser Bill, Khedive, Kimberly, King Albert, King Solomon's Cave, King's Secrets, King's Way, Kingdom, Kings and Aces, Kingsdown Eights, Kingsley, Klondike, Knotty Nines, Kosynka, Kosynka II, Lady Betty, Lady Palk, Laggard Lady, Limited, Little Spider, Little Windmill, Locked Cards, Long Trip, Louis, Louisa, Lucas, Lucky Thirteen, Malaren, Maria, Marriages, Martha, Masquerade, Masterpiece, Mathematics, Maze, Midshipman, Milligan Harp, Miss Milligan, Monte Carlo, Mount Olympus, Mrs Mop, Napoleon Leaves Moscow, Napoleon Takes Moscow, Napoleon the Great, Napoleon's Square, Nationale, Nestor, New Manner, New York, Ninny, Number Ten, Obstacle Race, Octave, Old Friend, One Pack, Open Crescent, Open Scorpion, Open Spider, Osmosis, Overage, Pairs, Pas Seul, Patriarchs, Peacock Tail, Peek, Penguin, Peppy, Perpetual Motion, Perseverance, Persian Patience, Phalanx, Pharaoh, Picture Gallery, Picture Gallery II, Picture Patience, Poker Solitaire, Polish Patience, Precedence, Prison, Prisoner, Puss in the Corner, Pyramid, Pyramid Golf, Pythagor, Quadrangle, Queen of Italy, Queens and Jacks, Raglan, Rainbow, Rectangle, Red and Black, Reverse Order, Rittenhouse, Robert, Royal Cotillion, Royal Family, Royal Marriage, Royal Rendezvous, Russian Solitaire, Salic Law, San Jose Hill, Saratoga, Scarf, Scarf II, Scorpion, Scotch Patience, Seahaven Towers, Selective Canfield, Senate, Seven Devils, Seven in a Row, Shady Lanes, Shamrocks, Sheaf, Shifting, Shifting Depots, Short Solitaire, Simple, Simple Addition, Simple Pairs, Simple Simon, Simplicity, Single Rail, Sir Tommy, Six By Six, Sixes and Sevens, Snake, Snowball, Solid Square, Solitaire Piquet, Somerset, Spaces and Aces, Spanish Patience, Spider One Suit, Spider Solitaire, Spider Two Suit, Spiderette, Squadron, Square, Squared Away, St Helena, Stacks, Stairs, Stalactites, Star, Stay-at-home, Steeplechase, Steps, Storehause, Strategy, Streets, Streets and Alleys, Strip, Striptease, Sudden Death, Sultan, Super Flower Garden, Superior Canfield, Superior Canfield II, Swallows, Swedish Patience, Swiss, Take Fourteen, Tam O'Shanter, Terrace, The Plot, The Reserves, The Spark, The Wish, Thirteens, Thirty-Nine Steps, Thirty-six, Three Fir-trees, Thumb and Pouch, Toad, Topsy-turvy Queens, Total Pair, Tournament, Tower of Pisa, Travellers, Trefoil, Triangle, Triple Line, Triple Union, Troika, Trusty Twelve, Turkish Kerchief, Turncoats, Twelve Sleeping Maids, Twenty, Twenty Four Fans, Twilight Zone, Two Rings, Vague, Variegated Canfield, Vassal, Vertical, Victoria, Voracious, Wasp, Westcliff, White Scarf, Whitehead, Will o the Wisp, Windmill, Yeast Dough, Yukon, and Zigzag Course.