Albert Morehead and Geoffrey Mott-Smith

Albert Morehead and Geoffrey Mott-Smith collaborated on one of the most comprehensive solitaire references, The Complete Book of Solitaire and Patience Games, which was originally published in 1949, and remains in print to this day.

Morehead (08/07/1909 - 10/05/1966), in addition to his solitaire work, was a leading authority on Bridge, writing the New York Times bridge column for more than 25 years. He also wrote authoritative reference works on many other card and board games. See also: A Tribute to Albert H. Morehead.

Geoffrey Mott-Smith was an authority on the philosophy, strategy, and mathematics of games, and was editor of Games Digest and The Bridge World.

Solitaire Games Invented By Morehead and Mott-Smith

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Last Update: September 18th, 2012