Funsol Solitaire Gold
Funsol Solitaire Gold is one of the largest solitaire collections in the world with over 600 games. Funsol now offers automatic card sizing to show the largest cards possible. Funsol offers a new powerful search engine to find exactly the game you want. It also includes a new smart right mouse button auto play feature. There is an unlimited undo/redo feature with snapshot and restore move. Favorite games are accessible from the toolbar. Every game is saved and can be tried again at a later time. Each game has its own database of the last 1000 games played. There are over 100 different card backs, backgrounds and card sets to choose from with an add on for registered users. Funsol uses true color graphics, silk smooth animation and DirectSound. There are dozens of preferences and options.
- Popular solitaire card games like Spider, Freecell, Klondike and Forty Thieves
- Three and four deck versions of all the the popular solitaire games
- Hard to find solitaire games like Fusion, Amazons and Babette
- Unique to Funsol solitaire games like Horseshoe Crab and Burnt Paw
- Automatic card resizing - The card deck graphics are newly created every time the window is resized or a different game is selected so the cards will be as large and as easy to read as possible.
- Unlimited undo and redo with instant location warp - There is no limit to the amount of undo and redo. A game can be undone all the way to the beginning if need be. Use the handy location warp to get to any position in the game instantly
- Smart one click auto play - Play cards to any other legal pile with one click. This makes game play immensely easier and more enjoyable.
- Step and auto play to the foundations - When a game is won there is no need to play all the rest of the cards to the foundations. Simply use auto play and all the rest of the cards will play to the foundations
- Automatic game save - Every unfinished game is automatically saved so it can be continued where it was left off. There is no limit to the amount of games that are auto saved
- Unlimited favorite games - Add as many games as you would like to your favorites. One click brings a list of your favorites in the game selection screen
By Softgame Company
Operating System: Windows
Funsol Solitaire Gold Screenshots
Additional Information
Funsol Solitaire Gold includes the following solitaire card games: Accordion, Ace in the Hole, Ace of Spades, Aces Up, Acme, Acquaintance, Adela, Advanced Mitosis, Agnes, Agnes Bernauer, Agnes Sorel, Akhens Temple, Alaska, Albatross, Algerian Patience, Alhambra, Ali Baba, Alternate, Alternation, Alternations, Amazons, American Toad, Angels Harp, Antarctic, Ants, Applegate, Archway, Arctic, Atlas, Auld Lang Syne, Aunt Mary, Australian Patience, Babette, Baby Babette, Baby Giant, Baby Spiderette, Back and Forth, Backbone, Baker's Dozen, Baker's Game, Base Pyramid, Baseball, Bastille, Bastion, Batsford, Beetle, Beleaguered Castle, Betsy Ross, Big Ben, Big Forty, Binary, Bisley, Black Hole, Black Spider, Black Widow, Blind Alleys, Blind Patience, Block Eleven, Block Island, Block Ten, Blockade, Blondes and Brunettes, Blues and Browns, Boomerang, Box Kite, Boxing the Compass, Brazilian Patience, Bridesmaids, Brigade, Brisbane, Bristol, British Constitution, British Square, Buffalo Bill, Burnt Paw, Busy Aces, Calculation, Cambridge, Candike, Canfield, Canfield II, Canister, Capital, Capricieuse, Captive Queens, Capuchin, Carice, Carlton, Carpet, Carre Napoleon, Casket, Castle of Indolence, Castles End, Castles in Spain, Catcher, Cat's Cradle, Chameleon, Chatham, Chequers, Chessboard, Cicely, Citadel, Classic Carlton, Clock, Club, Cobweb, Colorado, Colours, Cone, Congress, Constructor, Contradance, Coppermine, Core Cell, Corner Stones, Corners, Corona, Cotillion, Cottage, Couples, Court of Law, Courtyard, Covered Gems, Crawdad, Creepy Crawly, Crescent, Cribbage Square, Criss Cross, Cromwell, Cruel, Cubical, Curds and Whey, Cuttyhunk, Czarina, Daddy Long Legs, Daffodil, Daniel, Dartmouth, Demon Fan, Deuces, Dial, Dieppe, Dinner Mint, Diplomat, Doorway, Double Canfield, Double Demon, Double Dot, Double Easthaven, Double Fives, Double Fourteens, Double Rail, Double Scorpion, Double Seahaven, Double Simon, Double Yukon, Double or Quits, Doublets, Duke, Dusk, Dutchess, Eagle Wing, EastHaven, Eight Off, Eight by Eight, Eighteens, Elegance, Elevens, Emperor, Equilateral, Equinox, Eternal Triangle, Excalibur, Exit, Face Walk, Faerie Queen, Fairway, Falling Star, Famous Fifty, Fan, Fanny, Fantasy, Fifteen Havoc, Fifteen Puzzle, Fifteens, Figure Eight, Finnish Solitaire, Fission, Five Piles, Flashback, Flipper, Floradora, Flower Garden, Fly, Fort, Fortress, Fortune's Favor, Forty Nine, Forty Thieves, Forty and Eight, Four Colors, Four Deck Canfield, Four Deck Klondike, Four Deck Scorpion, Four Deck Spider, Four Deck Spider One Suit, Four Deck Spider Two Suit, Four Directions, Four Leaf Clovers, Four Seasons, Four Winds, Four of a Kind, Fours a Crowd, Fourteen Out, Fourteens, Franklin, FreeCell, Free Cell Times Two, Frog, Front Porch, Front and Back, Full Count, Galaxy, Gaps, Gargantua, Gate, General's Patience, German Cross, German Patience, Gettysburg, Giant, Giantess, Gila Monster, Giza, Gloucestershire, Going On Seventeen, Golden, Golf, Good Measure, Grand Duchess, Grand Piano, Grandfather, Grandfather's Clock, Grandmamas Patience, Great Bear, Great Hall, Great Wheel, Guillotine, Halo Eight, Harp, Hawaii, Hawk's Bill, Haystack, Heads and Tails, Hellenistic Patience, Herb Garden, Holes, Honey Suckle, Hopping Spider, Horizontal, Horseshoe Crab, Hourglass, House in the Wood, House on the Hill, Icehouse, Imperial Guards, Indefatigable, Indian, Indian Patience, Intelligence, Interment, Interregnum, Intersection, Invert, Irish Patience, Isosceles, Jackie, Josephine, Junction, Kestrel, Khufu, King Albert, King of Italy, King of Macedon, King's Way, Kingdom, Kings, Kings Up, Kings and Aces, Kings and Aces II, Kingsdown Eights, Kingsley, Kleine Napoleon, Klider, Klonder, Klondfield, Klondike, Klondike II, Knotty Nines, La Belle Lucie, Labrador, Ladies Battle, Lady Betty, Lady Palk, Lady of the Manor, Lanes, Lassie, Least Cells, Legitimist, Leon, Less Cells, Letter H, Light and Dark, Limited, Limpet, Little Billie, Little Forty, Little Napoleon, Little Spider, Lookout, Lucas, Lucky Thirteen, Lunar, Macadam, Macarena, Mackenzie, Madame Susan, Maria, Martha, Matrimony, Maze, Memory, Midshipman, Milk Spider, Milligan Cell, Milligan Harp, Milton, Mind Eraser, Miss Brown, Miss Farley, Miss Milligan, Mite, Mitosis, Monomoy, Monte Carlo, Morehead, Morocco, Mosquito, Mount Olympus, Mrs Lamminen, Mrs Mop, Nantucket, Napoleon's Square, Nationale, Needle, Nestor, Nevada, New York, Newburyport, Newfoundland, Newton, Nines, Nordic Solitaire, Number Ten, Obelisk, Octagon, Octave, Odd and Even, Ogunquit, Old Patience, One Eyed Scorpion, One Eyed Spider, One or Thirteen, One234, Orb Nine, Orbiter, Osmosis, Ottawa, Overpass, Parisienne, Parliament, Pas Seul, Patriarchs, Peek, Peeking Thieves, Pelican, Penguin, Pentsexta, Perpetual Motion, Perseverance, Piano, Piccolo, Picture Gallery, Picture Patience, Pigtail, Pile Up, Pilgrimage, Placement, Plot, Poker Solitaire, Political Patience, Porridge, Portcullis, Portsmouth, Portugese Patience, Precedence, Precell, Prediction, Preference, Princess Rebecca, Prison Cell, Ptolemy, Push Pin, Puss in Corner, Putt Putt, Puzzler, Pyramid, Pyramid Golf, Quadrangle, Quadrille, Quarter Moon, Queens and Jacks, Queens and Kings, Queue See, Raglan, Rainbow, Rainbow Fan, Rank and File, Raptor, Reception, Red and Black, Repair, Reserved Pyramid, Reserves, Right and Left, Ripple, Rittenhouse, Robert, Rock Garden, Rockport, Rotary Dial, Rouge et Noir, Rows of Four, Royal Cotillion, Royal Families, Royal Family, Royal Free Cell, Royal Marriage, Royal Meeting, Royal Rendezvous, Royal Simple Cell, Royalton, Russian Solitaire, Salic Law, San Juan Hill, Sand Dollar, Saratoga, Satellites, Scorpion, Scorpion II, Scotch Patience, Seahaven Towers, Seduction, Selective Beleaguered, Senate, Senior Wrangler, Seven Devils, Seven by Seven, Shady Lanes, Shamrocks, Shape Shift, Shifting, Short Term Memory, Shrimp Cocktail, Simple Cell, Simple Pairs, Simple Simon, Simplex, Simplicity, Single Picture Gallery, Single Rail, Sir Tommy, Sixes and Sevens, Snake, Solemnity, Solid Square, Solitude Castle, Solstice, Somerset, Spaces and Aces, Spaire, Spanish Patience, Spark, Spider, Spider One Suit, Spider Two Suit, Spider Web Cells, Spiderette, Spiderkon, Squadron, Square, Square Off, St Helena, Stalactites, Steps, Still Bases, Stonewall, Stoney Hill, Stop Light, Storehouse, Storm, Strata, Strategy, Strategy Plus, Streets, Streets and Alleys, Striptease, Sudden Death, Suicide Six, Suit Yourself, Suits Me, Sultan of Turkey, Super Flower Garden, Superior Canfield, Superior Demon, Suspense, Swedish Patience, Tablecloth, Talon Hawk, Tam O'Shanter, Tarantula, Tens, Termites, Terrace, Tetraire, Thief Spider, Thieves of Egypt, Thin Cell, Third Millennium, Thirteens, Thirty Nine Steps, Thirty Six, Thrax, Three Blind Mice, Three Deck Agnes, Three Deck Beleaguered, Three Deck Canfield, Three Deck Easthaven, Three Deck Fourteens, Three Deck Free Cell, Three Deck Klondike, Three Deck Scorpion, Three Deck Spider, Three Deck Spider One Suit, Three Deck Spider Two Suit, Three Deck Thieves, Three Deck Unlimited, Three Deck Yukon, Three Shuffles and a Draw, Thumb and Pouch, Thunderbolt, Tick, Tiles, Timber Hawk, Titanic, Toad, Tomb, Toni, Tornado, Tortoise, Toto, Tournament, Tower of Hanoi, Trefoil, Trilogy, Triple Line, Triple Peaks, Tropicana, Truss, Trusty Twelve, Twenty, Twenty Thieves, Twin Queens, Two Deck Australian, Two Diamonds, Two Pack Dial, Ukrainian Solitaire, Underpass, Unlimited, Ursa Major, Vanbrugh, Variegated Canfield, Vertical, Viper, Waning Moon, Wave Fan, Westcliff, Wheatsheaf, When You're Sixteen, Whitehead, Whitehorse, Will o the Wisp, Windmill, Wings, Wish, Wolf Spider, Wood, Wrapping Spider, Yankee Cannonball, Yellowknife, Yukon, Yukon Spinner, Yukon Web, Zerline, Zeus, and Zodiac.