
Solitaires is a very addictive collection of solitaire card games. The collection is made up of 385 different solitaires, including all the traditional ones (like Baker's Dozen, Canfield, Fan, Klondike, Montecarlo, Poker Solitaire, Spider, Pyramid, and so on) and many that appear for the first time in a computer game (like Babette, Backbone, Fission, Flip Flop, Great Herring-bone, Hill of Difficulty, Moojub, Pendulum, Robin Post, Striptease, and many more).
Solitaires includes countless outstanding features, among which are excellent graphics and animation, flexible solitaire and game selection, comments, game history, players management, eye-catching statistical graphs, game demo, autoplay, card counter, extensive set of options for personalization, possible moves function, full screen view, an impressive variety of backgrounds, card backs, card sets, tunes, sounds and effects. And a lot more!
For each solitaire, Solitaires can generate a million billion different shuffles, which means that if one could play a game every second, twenty-four hours a day, he could expect to replay the same game after 33 million years or so!
Solitaires includes countless outstanding features, among which are:
- open, save and delete a game
- select a solitaire, with graphical preview
- random selection of a solitaire
- favorite solitaires
- comments about solitaires
- start, restart, select and pause a game
- undo move and redo move with selectable level
- game snapshot and game history
- select a player and modify players
- game and player statistics (with graphs)
- games log
- highest scores
- global score
- performances (with graphs)
- game demo
- autoplay
- card counter
- screen tolerances
- show possible moves
- full screen view
- publish scores on the web
- exhaustive online help with glossary
- tip of the day
- automatic playing area resizing
- automatic card resizing
- automatic scrolling
In addition, Solitaires can be thoroughly personalized by means of a quite extensive set of options,
covering topics such as general functionality, bars, backgrounds, decks, cards, animations, tunes, sounds and effects.
Playing Solitaires is at the same time fun and an intelligent pastime. Most important of all, it is a great pleasure, both for beginners and for experienced players of all ages. And in more than one way!
By Cyna Games
Operating System: Windows
Additional Information
Solitaires includes the following solitaire card games: Abandon Hope, Accordion, Aces Up, Adela, Agnes Bernauer, Agnes Sorel, Algerian Patience, Alhambra, Alternate, Alternation, Amazons, American Toad, Antiope, Arachnid, Archway, Auld Lang Syne, Babette, Backbone, Baker's Dozen, Baker's Game, Batsford, Beleaguered Castle, Bengal, Betsy Ross, Big Ben, Bisley, Black Hole, Blind Alleys, Blockade, Blondes and Brunettes, Boomerang, Box Kite, Brigade, Bristol, British Square, Brownian Motion, Buffalo Bill, Busy Aces, Calculation, Can-Can, Canfield, Canister, Capricieuse, Captive Commanders, Captive Queens, Capuchin, Carlton, Carpet, Castles in Spain, Cat's Cradle, Chameleon, Checkerboard, Chequers, Chessboard, Cicely, Citadel, Club, Cock o' the North, Colonel, Colorado, Colors, Concentration, Cone, Congress, Constitution, Contradance, Corners, Corona, Courtyard, Cover Up, Crescent, Cribbage Patience, Cromwell, Curds and Whey, Czarina, Decade, Demon Fan, Deuces, Diamond, Dieppe, Diplomat, Display, Distribution, Divorce, Double Canfield, Double Dial, Double FreeCell, Double Gaps, Double Klondike, Double Line, Double Rail, Double Spider, Double or Quits, Doublets, Duchess, Eagle Wing, EastHaven, Egyptian Pyramid, Eight Away, Eight Off, Eighteens, Elevens, Exit, Faerie Queen, Falling Star, Famous Fifty, Fan, Fanny, Fifteens, Fifty, Fission, Five Hands, Flip Flop, Floradora, Florentine, Flower Garden, Fly, Following, Fort, Fortress, Fortune's Favor, Forty Thieves, Forty and Eight, Forty-Nine, Four Corners, Four Intruders, Four Marriages, Four Seasons, Fourteen Out, Fourteens, FreeCell, French Blockade, Frog, Front Line, Gaps, Gargantua, Gate, Gavotte, General's Patience, German Patience, Giant, Glencoe, Golf, Good Measure, Grand Duchess, Grandfather's Clock, Grandfather's Patience, Grandmother's Patience, Great Herring-bone, Great Spider, Great Wheel, Haden, Harp, Heads and Tails, Heap, Hemispheres, Herring-Bone, High Strategy, Highlands, Hill of Difficulty, Hit or Miss, Hope Deferred, House in the Wood, House of Commons, House on the Hill, Imaginary Thirteen, Indian, Intelligence, Interlock Puzzle, Interregnum, Intrigue, Inversion of Sequence, Khedive, King Albert, King Edward, King and Queen, King's Audience, King's Way, Kingdom, Kings, Kingsdown Eights, Klondike, Klondike by Threes, Knaves' Dial, La Belle Lucie, Labyrinth, Lady Betty, Lady Palk, Lady of the Manor, Laggard Lady, Legitimist, Leoni's Own, Letter S, Limited, Little Billee, Little Spider, Little Sultan, Little Windmill, Louis, Lucas, Maria, Martha, Matrimony, Maze, Memory (6 x 4), Memory (8 x 5), Microbe, Midshipman, Milligan Harp, Miss Milligan, Missing Link, Monte Carlo, Moojub, Mount Olympus, Mrs Mop, My Lady's Patience, Napoleon, Napoleon's Square, Nationale, Nestor, New York, Nines, Nivernaise, Noble Solitaire, Number Ten, Octagon, Octave, Odd and Even, Osmosis, Pairs, Parallels, Parisienne, Pas Seul, Patriarchs, Peek, Pendulum, Penguin, Perpetual Motion, Perseverance, Persian Patience, Petit Moulin, Picture Gallery, Picture Patience, Pigtail, Plait, Poker Solitaire, Pontoon Patience, Precedence, Progressive Spider, Push Pin, Puss in the Corner, Puzzler, Pyramid, Q.C., Quadrangle, Queen of Italy, Queens and Jacks, Quilt, Quinzaine, Raglan, Rainbow, Rainbow Fan, Rank and File, Red and Black, Reversi, Reversible Sequences, Rittenhouse, Robert, Robin Post, Rouge et Noir, Royal Cotillion, Royal Family, Royal Marriage, Royal Parade, Royal Patience, Royal Rendezvous, Russian Patience, Russian Solitaire, Salic Law, Scorpion, Scotch Patience, Selective Canfield, Senior Wrangler, Seven Devils, Seven Up, Shamrocks, Shifting, Shrinking Diamond, Simple Simon, Simplicity, Single Rail, Sir Tommy, Sixes and Sevens, Sixty-Four Square, Sly Fox, Snail, Somerset, Spaces and Aces, Spanish Patience, Spider, Spider Any Suit, Spider Two Colors, Spiderette, Squadron, Square, St Helena, Stag Party, Stalactites, Steps, Stonewall, Storehouse, Strategy, Streets, Streets and Alleys, Striptease, Sudden Death, Suit Yourself, Sultan, Super Flower Garden, Superior Canfield, Tam O'Shanter, Teenagers, Tens, The Dial, The Indefatigable, The Plot, The Reserves, The Spark, The Wish, Thirteens, Thirty, Thirty-six, Three-Card Fan, Thumb and Pouch, Tournament, Tower of Hanoy, Travelers, Trefoil, Triangle, Triple Alliance, Triple Line, Triplets, Twenty, Twenty-Eight, Two-Pack Dial, Two-Way Gaps, Valentine, Vanbrugh, Variegated Canfield, Vertical, Virginia Reel, Voyagers, Waning Moon, Watch, Westcliff, Wheat-ear, Wheatsheaf, Whitehead, Will o the Wisp, Windmill, Wraparound Golf, Xerses, Yukon, Zingara, and Zodiac.